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You will learn about the health benefits of Ber/Jujube in this post. If you recall, jujube or ber is a sweet and tangy fruit that is frequently served at festivals. Due to its relaxing and sedative effects, ber fruit (Zizyphusjujuba) is commonly referred to an anti-sorrow fruit.

You can actually gorge on this healthy snack option to satisfy your sweet desires. We used to buy this wonderful fruit from vendors outside the school.

Helps in improving blood circulation:

These tiny fruits are filled with minerals like potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, and zinc. Iron helps in improving the Haemoglobin count which in turn prevents anemia

Health Benefits of Ber / Jujube in providing  glowing skin:

These tiny fruits are filled with minerals like potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, and zinc. Iron helps in improving the Haemoglobin count which in turn prevents anemia

Health Benefits of Ber / Jujube is Good for your tummy:

Jujubes are an excellent source of energy since they are high in fibre and carbohydrates, which helps to improve your metabolism and keep you going throughout the day. It has concentrated minerals and vitamins, making it extremely nutritious.

It helps you sleep better:

In the past, jujube was used to treat sleeplessness. The whole fruit, including the seeds, is high in antioxidants that are thought to have sedative properties. This fruit aids in sleep induction by soothing nerves and alleviating anxiousness..

Ber is a medicine for constipation:

It increases the water content of the face as well as the cecum’s short-chain fatty acid concentration. Jujube’s high fibre content aids digestion and regulates bowel movements.

Nutrition value of 1 Raw Jujube-

Energy: 22 Kcal

Carbohydrates: 5.66 g

Protein: 0.34g

Fat: 0.06 g

Vitamin A: 11.12 IU

Vitamin C: 19.3 mg

Calcium: 6 mg

Iron: 0.13 mg


In this post, you will learn about jaggery, a sweetener that is gaining popularity as a “healthy” alternative to sugar. Jaggery is high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, and phosphorus, with trace levels of zinc, copper, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin thrown in for good measure.

It’s also known as a “superfood sweetener,” and it’s used in a variety of goods. Gur: Panela is from Colombia, Piloncillo is from Mexico, Tapa dulce is from Costa Rica, Namtan tanode is from Thailand, Gula Melaka is from Malaysia, and Kokuto is from Japan. Jaggery is an unprocessed sugar that is manufactured from sugar cane or palm leaves.

India produces a large portion of the world’s output. Jaggery is thought to aid in the immunological, hepatic, and digestive systems, as well as preventing anaemia. However, there is no credible evidence to back up these statements.



How Jaggery is Made

Jaggery is made using traditional methods of pressing and distilling palm or cane juice. This is a 3-step process:

Extraction: The canes or palms are pressed to extract the sweet juice or sap.
Clarification: The juice is allowed to stand in large containers so that any sediment settles to the bottom. It is then strained to produce a clear liquid.
Concentration: The juice is placed in a very large, flat-bottomed pan and boiled.

Now if we talk about its appearance the color can range from light golden to dark brown. This is important since the color and texture are used to grade the jaggery. Interestingly, Indians value lighter shades more than darker ones. This lighter, “good quality” jaggery generally contains more than 70% sucrose. It also contains less than 10% isolated glucose and fructose, with 5% as minerals. It is most often sold as a solid block of sugar, but it’s also produced in liquid and granulated forms.

What Can Jaggery Be Used For?

Jaggery, like sugar, is a versatile ingredient. It can be grated or broken up and used as a refined sugar substitute in any meal or beverage. It’s commonly used with coconuts, peanuts, and condensed milk to make traditional Indian treats and candies. Jaggery cake and chakkara Pongal, a rice and milk delicacy are two examples. It’s also used to manufacture traditional alcoholic beverages like palm wine, as well as for non-food reasons like fabric dyeing.

In the Western world, this sweetener is often used as a sugar substitute in baking. It can also be used to sweeten drinks like tea and coffee.



You will learn about the best bread for health (Brown Bread/White Bread) in this article. Bread is a baked food product that is prepared from wet, kneaded, and fermented flour or meal.

Bread is eaten in a variety of ways around the world, including bread toast, bread, sandwiches, and so on. It comes in a variety of varieties, including white, brown, and multi-grain bread. White and brown bread are both widely consumed, although they differ in texture, flavour, and nutritional value. This blog tries to examine a variety of different features of two distinct types of bread, with a focus on nutritional properties such as calories, nutrients, and so on.

Brown Bread: 

Brown bread is made with 100% whole wheat flour and additional additives for colour, tenderness, and flavour. These are high in fibre and hence make a fantastic health choice. This gives it a more varied flavour profile and makes it ideal for producing great sandwiches. Brown bread is created from the bran, endosperm, and germ of wheat grains, and so has a brown appearance. It is more nutritious than white bread because it is prepared from whole wheat flour, which includes more fibre and nutrients. Because it contains bran, it is not as soft as white bread. It isn’t heavily processed. It does not require the addition of vitamins or minerals because it already contains sufficient nutrition.


Brown bread is prepared from wheat flour atta, thus it’s low in carbohydrates and calories. It also contains a lot of fibre and other nutrients. In terms of nutrition and calories, brown bread is unquestionably healthier and more satisfying. Brown bread’s nutritional value is ideal for adults and people who are trying to lose weight.

White bread:

White bread is created from the endosperm of wheat grains, which is what gives it its distinctive white hue. Because it is devoid of bran and germ, it is softer than brown bread. It’s highly processed and primarily made up of starch. Because white bread is made of maida and lacks fibre, it has a higher glycaemic index and is not advised for everyone. Because the fibre content is eliminated during the preparation, it is less healthy than brown bread.


It is high in fats and calories, making it unsuitable for anyone trying to reduce weight or consume less calories. White bread isn’t particularly nutritious, but fake nutrients are added to make it more varied. Young folks are able to swallow white bread.
As a result, in terms of nutrition and calories, brown bread is unquestionably healthier and more satisfying. Brown bread outperforms white bread in terms of health and nutrition in many ways, hence brown bread should be preferred in most circumstances. Healthy and youthful people who consume a well-balanced diet and exercise regularly can also enjoy white bread in moderation.


There are a number of bread varieties stacked in the grocery racks which leaves one befuddled about the healthiest one.

Popular Varieties of Bread:

1.) Whole Wheat Bread

Whole wheat bread is nutritious because it is made from whole wheat flour produced from milling the entire wheat grain. It contains both bran (the grain’s outer layer) and germ
(the inner layer) due to which it is rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants, phytochemicals, beta-carotene, vitamin E, essential minerals, and Vitamin B1, B2, B3, folic acid.
Nutritive Value of whole wheat bread- Energy: 247 Kcal, Carbohydrates- 41 g, Protein- 13 g, Fat- 3.4 g

2.) Multigrain Bread

Multigrain bread is prepared using wheat, oats, flax seeds, barley, buckwheat, flax seeds, sesame seeds, etc. The fat content of multigrain bread is higher due to the presence of nuts.
Nutritive value of multigrain bread- Energy: 260 Kcal, Carbohydrates- 47 g, Protein- 9 g, Fat- 4 g

3.) White Bread

White bread is prepared from refined wheat flour (maida). Bran and germ layer are completely removed. It contains the only endosperm laded with carbohydrates.
Nutritive value of white bread- Energy: 265 Kcal, Carbohydrates- 49 g, Protein- 9 g, Fat- 3.2 g

4.) Brown Bread

Brown bread is made using refined wheat flour (maida), with the main variation being the addition of colouring, such as molasses, coffee, or caramel, which causes the colour to change to brown. Brown bread isn’t made with entire wheat or grains. Nutritive value of brown bread- Energy: 313 Kcal, Carbohydrates- 56 g, Protein- 13 g, Fat- 4.3 g

Bottom Line:

Because it contains 100 percent whole grains and is rich in nutrients including B vitamins, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and magnesium, wholemeal/whole wheat bread is healthier than multigrain, brown, and white bread. Remember to check the nutritional content of the bread and choose one that says 100 percent whole wheat or 100 percent whole grain.